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Writer's pictureCameron Macgregor

Men and the City 45: 21st Century “Man”

Men and the City are becoming Neo-Masculine. There is a deep-seated malaise that grips the psyches of young men. In virtually every corner of the West men despair, some out loud, some in silence, and some in death. Masses of men in the city believe that all is lost, that the freedom enjoyed by past generations, the safety and cohesion of once homogenous Western nations, the once robust nuclear family that balanced masculine and feminine, the once resilient collective faith in community, people, nation, in God, is lost and unrecoverable. Indeed, masses of men believe their very life is pointless and beyond salvation.

The virulence foisted upon men by a warped society grates against the inner-masculine like a skin rash from poison ivy. Globalists wish to replace men, feminists to sterilize them, and the woke technocrats aim to silence them. Instead, the gerontocracy champions a new man, a so-called 21st century man.  

21st century man is wholly amorphized, estrogenized, neutered and submissive. 


Such a new, 21st century man is wholly amorphized, estrogenized, neutered and submissive. CNN sycophant Dana Bash while shamelessly fawning all over the Democratic Nominee for Vice President Tim Waltz, another beta phony, described it like this: “it is ok in 2024 to be a man comfortable in his own skin who supports a woman." Hollywood and the mainstream media have long touted a similarly kowtowed man, an androgynous mannequin who putters about the house shopping for outdoor grill accessories or playing video games while running errands for his “boss girl” wife.

Such a 21st century man stripped of all masco-dignity and vigor, especially the will to resist, is not what will come to pass. The plump dough boys, beta bureaucrats, and keystroking tech bros of corporate cube farms are trendy but won’t stick when hard times arrive. As is often the case, the minute something trendy is spotlighted by the masses marks its descent back to reality as fundamentals reset. Something far more virile, more raw, more extreme is emergent in the minds of men. Men in the city are pursuing the edge of forbidden thinking, lurking in the dark uncensored corners of society’s underbelly to discover a newfound masculine constitution. These men bear no resemblance to the recent past but are fast becoming the standard bearers of a Neo-Masculinity poised to shake up the world.


Pushing to Extremes

Things happen in spurts, beginning as small splashes that form puddles on the beach until larger waves break the shoreline. The rise of Neo-Masculinity, a revolt, a resurrection trending towards a reformation of a broken world sounds impossible at this stage. However, if viewed from a different perspective one can see that something quite powerful is building in opposition to the 21st Century Man model. Men are coalescing in new communities, new ideas, and a new leadership cadre pushing men into extreme resistance against systemic emasculation.

The hallmarks of masculine order are completely gone.

Such a movement is growing because emasculation has wrecked society. Indeed, mass feminization is so far gone, so deeply entrenched at this point that the hallmarks of masculine order are completely gone. Crime is out-of-control, government corruption is endemic, and censorship against truth-telling like the swear jars of nagging Karens reigns supreme. Cultural standards have all but collapsed so borders are non-existent, the infantilized masses clown about town, fat people shame the fit, women become men and men act like women. Groupthink stampedes anyone who thinks differently and courage is toxic while conformity is virtue.

The solution to anything feminized society fears is condemned to metaphorical or literal timeout. Those who call for border walls, deny transgenderism, refuse experimental vaccines, expose the Israel Lobby, or demand race realism are shamed, de-platformed, and in some cases arrested. In such a world, institutions have become sterilization factories that forcibly neuter and reprogram the pesky inner-masculine will to question, shout the truth, and fight back. However, such overwhelming compression on the male psyche has not had the desired effect, far from defeat it has ignited masco-resurrection.   

These movements are far bigger, more widespread, and gaining momentum at an accelerating rate.

Instead, men are pushing farther and father to the opposite extreme. Its visible everywhere if you pay attention: Andrew Tate’s furor against the Matrix, the Red Pill Movement against Gynocentrism, Men-Going-Their-Own-Way (MGTOW), sexless men ejecting from the sexual-marketplace, the flurry of right-wing movements sprouting across Europe, and the rise of MAGA in the United States. These movements are far bigger, more widespread, and gaining momentum at an accelerating rate. The thirst for reenergized masculine archetypes, leaders, and modes of life can be seen in the Manosphere where a cottage industry of Digital Dads are grooming men to be more assertive, groomed, informed, prosperous, more Neo-Masculine.  


Dangerous Men

Dangerous times are imminent and that means dangerous men are ascendant. The old paradigms in which the masses responded more favorably to the halo effect of curated public relations is falling away. Instead, men and society demand ever more controversial, more ferocious, more unfiltered men prepared to jump on truth grenades consequences be damned. The ranks of such men are growing as is the boldness of their message, which is alarming the powers that be like never before. Predictably, ever escalating censorship has been the response, and it is not working.

We are no longer riding the tiger, we are the tiger.

In yet another round of escalating tyranny, the reactionary gerontocracy has lashed out at the Neo-Masculine uprising. The Tate brothers were suddenly arrested and imprisoned, again. Telegram’s founder, CEO Pavel Durov was detained by French authorities for unknown reasons. Keir Starmer is arresting protesters, journalists, and tweeters vocally enraged by Islamization and the collapse of Britain (see here). Further crackdowns are coming against a growing list of masco-agitators. Trying to stomp them out is a self-defeating whack-a-mol.  


More than a few have anticipated the subterranean movements afoot long before we could imagine their form. Nietzsche implored the rise of the Übermensch while Jung trembled at the coming mana-personalities conjuring armies of collective-extremism, what Ernest Becker psychologized the Spell Cast By Persons. Perhaps Julius Evola explained the coming inversion or reversion the most succinctly in Ride the Tiger:  


“Consequently, the crisis of the modern world could represent, in Hegel’s terms, a “negation of a negation,” so as to signify a phenomenon that, in its own way, is positive. This double negation might end in nothingness—in the nothingness that erupts in multiple forms of chaos, dispersion, rebellion, and “protest” that characterize many tendencies of recent generations; or in that other nothingness that is scarcely hidden behind the organized system of material civilization. Alternatively, for the men in question here it might create a new, free space that could eventually become the premise for a future, formative action.”


The “free space” has been laid bare, it is in the alternative media and the premise for “formative action” is the imminent kinetic fight for the survival of the West. As Evola puts it, the “chaos, dispersion, rebellion, and protest” embedded in the Globalist agitators that have pushed society to the edge is now switching sides. We are no longer riding the tiger, we are the tiger. Men in the city are agitated and so fusing into a movement the world has not yet seen and few can scarcely imagine – a Neo-Masculine Movement poised to rebel against a broken world, and remake it anew.


We Cannot Be Stopped

The specter of Neo-Masculinity confounds us. How can it be that those who stand for tradition, for balance, for justice, for virtue, for conservation, and ultimately, for God-fearing truth can become so ferociously extreme? For years I have heard many decry that Western men are pathetic losers, regressed facsimiles of the past, Plato’s featherless bipeds. I have steadfastly rejected this characterization with slightly less flare than Diogenes because I know what lurks in the hearts of the young men I meet, and it isn’t subservience. My confidence also springs from a knowledge of Western history, which can be summarized in five words: we have been here before.


Myths are powerful but the truth is more so. The West has been left for dead many times before. We were nearly destroyed by World War I and finished off completely by World War II and centuries before by the Thirty Years War, a conflict more destructive than most can imagine today. We survived the Bubonic Plague, which wiped out generations like never before. Similarly, successive Islamic invasions over centuries nearly conquered Christendom were if not for the Frankish King Charles Martel in the 8th century and Polish King Jan III Sobieski in the 17th.

However precarious, the odds are always uncertain because the majority are always weak. Most men at all times in all societies are spineless conformists. Many, perhaps most men throughout history were malnourished, destitute, and many died during infancy, others during gut-wrenching labor. Today’s men on average, especially American men, are very beta, flaccid, low-T, portly, and many are simply vacant, what some call None-Player-Characters (NPCs). Certainly, this is concerning but hardly unprecedented.

New cadres of so-called dangerous and extreme men are imploring the masses to turn the psychological key.


The deeper issue of course is psychological. The Western malady is a crippled sense of self-belief. While comfort, prosperity, feminization, nihilism and mere inertia are problematic, the real issue is fear. Western men fear their own power because they have been told it is destructive so they repress it. Releasing these psychological shackles is the key, and the new cadres of so-called dangerous and extreme men are imploring the masses to turn the psychological key.


That said, we still need a push and we are going to get one. The world crisis underway cannot be stopped. Wars will be fought, economies will collapse, and tribalized races will collide. As many of my readers and YouTube followers have figured out, we cannot escape, we must fight. There is no place to run, no remote fallout shelter to build, no individual sovereignty or nomad capitalism to geo-arbitrage. Such a realization can be scary, but embracing it leads to liberation. We have the power to reset the system, to build mass movements more powerful than the world has yet known. Indeed, the birth of the Neo-Masculine man is upon us.

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